
We have courses such as “Science, Technology, and Industrial Policy” in order to educate people at School of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering in the University of Tokyo. We organize research laboratory where students in the school can belong. We also host seminars on science and innovation policy which are open to experienced people, where participants are from government, industry, and universities.

Outreach and Our Partners

We have partners in a variety of sectors including government, industry, and university, and we encourage the interactions and collaborations with those partners. Outcome of research developed by IPRC was contributed and adopted in eWhite Paper on Science and Technologyf by MEXT and eInnovation Strategyf by OECD. We have a number of research projects with our partners with government including METI, NEDO, JST, ESRI and universities like Stanford University, and industries.

IPRC also promotes our research outcomes to our society through seminars, workshops, and international conferences. We organized gEast Asia Innovation Conferenceh with Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in Korea and Tsinghua University in China, which was collaborated with academia, industry, and governmental sector in China, Korea and Japan.

East Asia Innovation Conference in Tokyo (Nov. 28, 2008)

East Asia Innovation Confererence in Tokyo
Exploring the Common Challenges of Innovation System Reform

Date November 28, 2008 (Friday)
Venue Yasuda Auditorium, The University of Tokyo