Innovation Policy Research Center, IPRC, (Director: Prof. Takehiko Kitamori, Principal Investigator: Prof. Takayuki Terai) was established on March 2008, at Institute of Engineering Innovation, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo.
The primary role of IPRC is to feed credible knowledge for setting science and innovation policy based on scientific and engineering understandings on a global issue including economic development, environmental and energy issues. For that purpose, IPRC conducts scientific research on science and innovation policy and develops information methodology to collect, analyze, and structure world-wide knowledge on academic, industrial, and social situations and perspectives. Each research projects is conducted by research groups of faculty members, researchers, posdocs, and students with relevant specialist knowledge in collaboration among other researchers and practitioners in the University of Tokyo, international organizations and enterprises.
IPRC encourages conversations and interactions with the organizations outside the university. Outcome of research developed by IPRC was adopted by governmental organizations including METI, MEXT, NEDO, JST, ESRI, etc. We also contributed to OECD eInnovation Strategyf. Furthermore, IPRC collaborates with leading universities in China, South Korea, and other ASEAN countries in order to propose models and policies for accelerating Asia-wide innovation.
IPRC also plays an active role in educating policy-makers, R&D managers, engineers, and also students who engages and will do innovation policy, management of technology (MOT) for empowering government and industry by utilizing the recent and essential materials reflecting the achievements of the current academic research which also include those by IPRC itself.