坂田 一郎 / Ichiro Sakata
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東京大学工学系研究科教授(技術経営戦略学専攻)、同総合研究機構 兼務、
総長特任補佐 photo by yamashita kayo |
1989年: 東京大学経済学部卒 通商産業省(現在の経済産業省)入省
1995-1997年: 米国ブランダイス大学留学(国際経済・金融学修士)
2003年: 東京大学より博士(工学)取得
2004年: 東京大学工学部システム創成学科PSIコース「社会システムと産業担当」
2005年: 東京大学工学系研究科 客員准教授(総合研究機構)
2008年: 経済産業省を退官して、東京大学政策ビジョン研究センター教授・運営委員
2009年-2016年: 東京大学工学系研究科教授兼担(技術経営戦略学専攻)
2011年: 荒川区顧問
2012年: 東京大学電力ネットワークイノベーション総括寄付講座共同代表
2012年2月-6月: 国家戦略会議叡智のフロンティア部会委員
2013年-2014年8月: 復興庁参与兼務
2013年7月-: 工学系研究科技術経営戦略学専攻 教授
2014年4月-2017年3月: 東京大学政策ビジョン研究センター長
2014年4月-2015年3月: 工学系研究科常務委員
2015年4月-: 総長特任補佐
2016年4月-2018年3月: 工学系研究科技術経営戦略学専攻長
2018年4月-2019年3月: システム創成学科知能社会システム(PSI)コース長
坂田一郎、新時代のイノベーション政策を考える、學士會会報No.918 (2016), pp16-20
M.Sugiyama, I.Sakata, H.Shiroyama, H.Yoshikawa and T.Taniguchi, “Five years on from Fukushima”, Nature 531(2016) 29-31 (Commentary)
I.Sakata, "Knowledge structuring tools for decision support service: an overview of citation-based approach", in chapter 17 of S.K.Kwan, Y.Sawatani, and J.C.Spohrer ed. Global Perspectives on Service Science: Japan (2016), pp.261-276. Springer
「ネットワークの視点でみる東北地域の産業構造の発展と政策」、松本武祝編『東北地方「開発」の系譜(2015年)』 第四章収録
査読付 英文原著論文
査読付 英文原著論文2019
■Masaru Isonuma, Junichiro Mori, and Ichiro Sakata. "Unsupervised Neural Single-Document Summarization of Reviews via Learning Latent Discourse Structure and its Ranking." In Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL, Long Paper), 2019. (to appear)
■T.Kose and I.Sakata, “Identifying technology convergence in the field of robotics research”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change (2019), to appear
■T.Maeda, J. Mori, M. Ochi, I. Hayashi, T. Sakimoto and I. Sakata "Comparative Examination of Network Clustering Methods for Extracting Community Structures of a City from Public Transportion Smart Card Data", IEEE Access (2019), accepted
査読付 英文原著論文2018
■Toshihiro Kose, Ichiro Sakata, “Identifying technology convergence in the field of robotics research”,Technological Forecasting & Social Change (In press, corrected proof, Available online 19 September 2018)
■K. Asatani, F. Toriumi, M. Ochi, J. Mori, I. Sakata, “Detecting Interpersonal Relationships in Large-Scale Railway Trip Data”, Journal of Computational Social Science 1 (2018): s42001-018-0021-1
■K. Asatani, J. Mori, M. Ochi and I. Sakata, “Detecting trends in academic research from a citation network using network representation learning”, PLOS ONE 13 (5) (2018): e0197260
■K.Yamaguchi, P. Reubroycharoen, M. Sugiyama, D. Wiwattanadate, H. Yoshikawa and I. Sakata, “Cross-border power trade with Myanmar: Barriers and their removal from the Thai’s perspective”, Int.J.Public Policy 14 (1)(2018)pp30-49
■W.Gong, B.Fugetsu, Z. Wang, I.Sakata et al., ”Carbon nanotubes and manganese oxide hybrid nanostructures as high performance fiber supercapacitors”,Communications Chemistry 1 (2018)s42001-018-0021-1
査読付 英文原著論文2017
■Y.Wang, B.Fugetsu, Z.wang, W. Gong, I.Sakata, S.Morimoto, Y.Hashimoto, M.Endo, M. Doresselhaus, M.Terrones, “Nitrogen-doped porous carbon monoliths from polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and carbon nanotubes ad electrodes for supercapacitors”, Scientific reports 7 (2017): 40259 (IF=5.228)
■T. Hamasaki, G. Harada, N. Nakamichi, S. Kabayama,K. Teruya, B. Fugetsu, W. Gong, I. Sakata, S. Shirahata, “Electrochemically reduced water exerts superior reactive oxygen species scavenging activity in HT1080 cells than the equivalent level of hydrogen-dissolved water”, PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0171192 February 9, 2017 (IF=3.057)
査読付 英文原著論文2016
■Vipin, A., Fugetsu, B., Sakata, I., Isogai, A., Endo, M., li, M. and Doresselhaus, M., “Cellulose nanofiber backboned Prussian blue nanoparticles as powerful adsorbents for the selective elimination of radioactive cesium”, Scientific reports 6 (2016): 37009 (IF=5.228)
■M. Ochi, J.Mori, K. Asatani, I.Sakata et al. "Geospatial Area Embedding Based on the Movement Purpose Hypothesis using Large-scale Mobility Data from Smart Cards", International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences (IJCNS) 9 (2016), pp.519-534
■Y. Wang, B. Fugetsu, I. Sakata, M. Terrones, M. Endo, M. Dresselhaus, “Morphology-controlled fabrication of a three dimensional mesoporous poly(vinyl alcohol) monolith through the incorporation of graphene oxide”, Carbon(IF=6.198), 98, 334-342 (2016).
■Vipin, A., Fugetsu, B., Sakata, I., Isogai, A., Endo, M., li, M. and Doresselhaus, M., 2016. “Cellulose nanofiber backboned Prussian blue nanoparticles as powerful adsorbents for the selective elimination of radioactive cesium”, Scientific reports (IF=5.228), accepted
■Vipin, A., Fugetsu, B., Sakata, I., Tanaka, T., Sun, L., Tanaka, S., Terrones, M., Endo, M., Dresselhaus, M., 2016. “Three dimensional porous monoliths from multi-walled carbon nanotubes and polyacrylonitrile”. Carbon (IF=6.198), 101 (2016), pp. 377-381,
■K. Yamaguchi, P. Reubroycharoen, M. Sugiyama, D. Wiwattanate, H. Yoshikawa and I. Sakata, “Cross-border power trade with Myanmar: Barriers and their removal from the Thai’s Perspective”, Int. J. Public Policy (2016), to appear
■H. Sasaki, T. Hara and I. Sakata, “Identifying Emerging Research Related to Solar Cells Field Using a Machine Leaning Approach”, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems(2016), 4(4), pp.418-429.
■T.Visessonchok, M.Sugiyama, H.Sasaki and I.Sakata, “Detection and introduction of emerging technologies for green buildings in Thailand”, Int. J. of Energy Technology and Policy 12(1) (2016), pp.2-19.
■H.Sasaki, Z. Liu and I. Sakata, “Academic Landacape of Hydropower: Citation-analysis based method and its application”, Int. J. of Energy Technology and Policy 12(1)(2016), pp84-102
査読付 英文原著論文2015
■H.Nakamura, S.Suzuki, I.Sakata and Y.Kajikawa, "Knowledge combination modeling: The measurement of knowledge similarities between different technological domains", Technological Forecasting and Social Change 94 (2015) 187-IF201 (=2.68)
■H. Sasaki, I. Sakata, K. Yamaguchi, W. Wangjianiran and S. Phrakonkham, "Energy efficiency Standard and labeling forecasting model in the capital of Lao PDR", Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 3(3)(2015)269-281
査読付 英文原著論文 〜2014
■H.Nakamura, S.Suzuki, I.Sakata and Y.Kajikawa, "Knowledge combination modeling: The measurement of knowledge similarities between different technological domains", Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2014) to appear
■S. Iwami, J. Mori, I. Sakata and Y. Kajikawa, "Detection method of emerging leading papers using time transition", Scientometrics, to appear
■H. Sasaki, I. Sakata, K. Yamaguchi, W. Wangjianiran and S. Phrakonkham, "Energy efficiency Standard and labeling forecasting model in the capital of Lao PDR", Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, to appear
■H.Sasaki, Y. Yamaguchi, G. Yoshizawa, I. Sakata and H.Shiroyama, "Energy efficiency road mapping in three future scenarios for Lao PDR", Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 1(3) (2013)172-186.
■I. Sakata and H. Sasaki, "Bibliometric analysis of international collaboration in wind and solar energy", Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 1(3) (2013)187-198.
■I. Sakata and H. Sasaki, "Scientific catch-up in Asian countries: a case for solar cell", Natural Resources 4(2013)134-141.
■I. Sakata, H. Sasaki, H. Nakamura and Y. Kajikawa, "Maps of international research collaboration in clean energy", Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 7(2013)480-490.
■K. Fijita, Y.Kajikawa, J.Mori and I.Sakata, "Detecting research fronts using different types of weighted citation network", Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, in press
■K. Fijita, Y.Kajikawa, J.Mori and I.Sakata, "Detecting research fronts using different types of weighted citation network", Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, in press
■I.Sakata, et al., "Bibliometric analysis of service innovation research: identifying knowledge domain and global network of knowledge", Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80(2013)1085-1093.
■J. Mori, Y. Kajikawa, H. Kashima and I.Sakata, "Machine learning approach for finding business partners and building reciprocal relationships", Expert Systems with Applications 39(2012)10402-10407.
■I.Sakata, H. Sasaki and Y. Kajikawa, "Indentifying knowledge structure of patent and innovation research", Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan 8(2)(2012)56-67.
■N. Shibata, Y. Kajikawa and I.Sakata, "Link prediction in citation networks", Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63(2012)78-85.
■Y. Kajikawa, J. Mori and I.Sakata, "Identifying and bridging the network in a regional cluster", Technological Forecasting and Social Change 79(2012) 252-262.
■M. Hashimoto, Y. Kajikawa, I.Sakata, Y. Takeda and K. Matsushima, "Academic landscape of innovation research and national innovation policy reformation in Japan and the United States", International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 9(6) (2012) 1250044.
■N. Shibata, Y. Kajikawa and I.Sakata, "Detecting potential technological fronts by comparing scientific papers and patents", Foresight 13(5)(2011)51-60.
■H. Nakamura, S. Suzuki, H.Tomobe, Y. Kajikawa and I.Sakata, "Citation lag analysis in supply chain research", Scientmetrics 87(2)(2011)221-232.
■N. Shibata, Y. Kajikawa and I.Sakata, "Measuring relatedness between communities in citation network", Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62(7)(2011)1360-1369.
■N. Shibata, Y. Kajikawa, Y Takeda, I.Sakata and K. Matsushima, "Detecting emerging research fronts in regenerative medicine by the citation network analysis of science publications", Technological Forecasting and Social Change 78(2011)274-282.
■N. Shibata, Y. Kajikawa and I.Sakata, "Extracting the commercialization gap between science and technology", Technological Forecasting and Social Change 77(7) (2010) 1147-1155.
■Y. Kajikawa, Y. Takeda, I.Sakata and K. Matsushima, "Multiscale analysis of inter-firm networks in regional clusters", Technovation 30 (2010) 168-180.
■Y. Takeda, Y. Kajikawa, I.Sakata, and K. Matsushima, "An analysis of geographical agglomeration and modularized industrial networks in a regional cluster: A case study at Yamagata prefecture in Japan", Technovation 28 (2008) 531-539.
■I.Sakata, K.Fujisue and Y. Okumura, Do R&D and tax credits work?: Evaluation of the Japanese tax reform", International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM) 32 nos3/4 (2005) 277-287.
■M. Ochi, K. Asatani, Y. Nakashio, Y. Yamashita, M. Ruttley, J. Mori and I. Sakata, “Representation Learning for Geospatial Areas using Large-scale Mobility Data from Smart Card” PURBA-2016 Workshop, in conjunction with UbiComp 2016, at the Kongresshaus Stadthalle Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany (12-16 September 2016)
■K. Tanaka, I. Sakata, "New bibliometric analysis of research institution network"
Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2016 (PICMET'16), in Honolulu, Hawaii USA (September 4-8, 2016)
■Y. Nakashio, T. Hara, J. Mori and I. Sakata, "Detecting structural changes in the nano carbon domain based on the time distribution of text information of academic papers"
Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2016 (PICMET'16), in Honolulu, Hawaii USA (September 4-8, 2016)
■T. Kuroda, S. Iwami and I. Sakata, "Positioning social entrepreneurship research in the field of entrepreneurship research", Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2016 (PICMET'16), in Honolulu, Hawaii USA (September 4-8, 2016)
■H. Yamano, H.Sasaki and I. Sakata, "Detecting candidate conbinations of the keywords organ-material-technology in regenerative medicine", Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2016 (PICMET'16), in Honolulu, Hawaii USA (September 4-8, 2016)
■H. Sasaki, T. Hara and I. Sakata, "Prediction of emerging papers in nanocarbon materials-related research using a citation network", Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2016 (PICMET'16), in Honolulu, Hawaii USA (September 4-8, 2016)
■H.Sasaki, T.Hara, T.Sakaki, J.Mori and I.Sakata, "Identifying embryonic researches in renewable energy fields using a scientometric approach: Case study of the solar cell field",
The 10th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, in Dubrovnik, Croatia (September 27- October 2, 2015)
■H.Sasaki, M.Seino, H.Hashimoto and I.Sakata, "Off-grid electrification scenarios for rural electrification in Myanmar", The 10th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, in Dubrovnik, Croatia (September 27- October 2, 2015)
■H.Sasaki, I.Sakata and Y. Kajikawa, "Serendipitous indentification of fields derived from technology spillovers from patent analysis: Case study of material science" Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2015 (PICMET'15), in Portland, USA (August 2-6, 2015)
■S. Iwami, J.Mori and I. Sakata, "International flows of Japanese and World’s researchers" Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2015 (PICMET'15), in Portland, USA (August 2-6, 2015)
■K.Tanaka and I.Sakata, "Top Researcher change by governmental support in Japan" Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2015 (PICMET'15), in Portland, USA (August 2-6, 2015)
■T.Kuroda and I. Sakata, "Identifying the structure of research field on venture", 24rd International Conference for The International Association of Management of Technology 2015 (IAMOT2015) in Cape Town (June 8-11, 2015)
■S.Iwami, K.Kogo, F.Tacoa, J.Mori, Y.Kajikawa and I.Sakata, "Cross-disciplinary methodology for detection of collaborative and competitive candidates", 24rd International Conference for The International Association of Management of Technology 2015 (IAMOT2015) in Cape Town (June 8-11, 2015)
最近の国際会議発表 〜2014
■K.Hayashima, H.Sawamura, I.Sakata, Y.Matsumoto and H.Sasaki, "Analysis of scientific research structure in Singapore using bibliometrics and network analysis for understanding their characteristics of R&D: A case study of biomedical field", IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2014 (IEEM2014) in Malaysia (December 9-12, 2014)
■I.Sakata, H.Sasaki, M.Hashimoto and k.Kayukawa, "A parallel running-type growth model in Asia: A case study of clean technology", Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2014 (PICMET'14), in Kanazawa, Japan (July 29-July 31, 2014)
■T. Visessonchok, H. Sasaki and I. Sakata," Detection and introduction of emerging technologies for green buildings in Thailand", Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2014 (PICMET'14), in Kanazawa, Japan (July 29-July 31, 2014)
■Z. Liu, H. Sasaki, I. Sakata, "Study on the academic landscape of hydropower: a citation-analysis based method and its application", Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2014 (PICMET'14), in Kanazawa, Japan (July 29-July 31, 2014)
■H. Sasaki, I. Sakata and Y. Kajikawa, “Knowledge transition between patents and science for forecasting growing fields” 23rd International Conference for The International Association of Management of Technology 2014 (IAMOT2014) in Washington DC, (May 22-26, 2014)
■S.Iwami, J.Mori, Y.Kajikawa and I.Sakata, "Detection of next researches using time transition in flurescent proteins", 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI2013), in Vienna Austria (July 15-19, 2013)
■Y. Kudo, I. Sakata, Y. Kajikawa, and K. Hashimoto, "Relational analysis between R&D project characteristics and diversity of results” 22nd International Conference for Management of Technology" (IAMOT2013), in Porto Alegre, Brazil ( April 14-18, 2013)
■S. Iwami, J. Mori, Y. Kajikawa, T. Uehara, and I. Sakata, "Detection of Promising Fields using Time Transitions in Cryptology” 22nd International Conference for Management of Technology" (IAMOT2013), in Porto Alegre, Brazil (April 14-18, 2013).
■I.Sakata, H. Sasaki, H. Tashiro et al., "Scientific catch-up process in Asian countries: A case study of solar cell", IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2012 (IEEM2012) in Hong Kong (December 10-13, 2012)
■I.Sakata and H. Tashiro, "Bibliometric analysis of power grid research: identifying knowledge domain", IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2012 (IEEM2012) in Hong Kong (December 10-13, 2012)
■V. Ittipanuvat, K. Fujita, Y. Kajikawa, J. Mori and I.Sakata, "Finding linkage between technology and social Issue: A literature based discovery approach", Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology 2012 (PICMET'12), in Vancouver, Canada (July 31-August 2, 2012)
■I.Sakata and H. Sasaki, "Analysis on international collaboration in clean energy", The 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, in Ohrid, Macedonia (July 1-6, 2012)
■H. Sasaki, I.Sakata and Y. Kajikawa, "Scope of multilayered network for regional cluster policy in Japan", The 21th International Conference for Management of Technology(IAMOT2012), in Hsinchu, Taiwan (18-22, March, 2012)
■I.Sakata, H. Sasaki, N. Nakamura and Y. Kajikawa, "Maps of international research collaboration in renewable energy", The 6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, in Dubrovnik, Croatia (September 25-29,2011)
■I.Sakata, "Academic Information and AI for Innovation Management", Elsevier, Asia Pacific Research Intelligence Conference 2017, Chulalongkorn University, Thai (July. 5-6, 2017), invited
■I.Sakata, "Distributed and off-grid energy solutions", IdeasLab with the University of Tokyo, Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2014, Tianjin, China (Sep. 10-12, 2014), invited
■I.Sakata, "New challenges for Japanese regional innovation policy: beyond proximity and trust", OECD Workshop on Smart Sepecialisation Program, Gwangju, Korea (April 3-5, 2013), invited
■I.Sakata et al., "Energy efficiency roadmap project in Lao PDR", The 2nd EAS Energy Efficiency Conference, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (July31-Aug1, 2012), invited
■I.Sakata, "Regional cluster policy for generating and absorbing innovation", APEC Conference on Innovation and Trade, Singapore (April 4-5, 2012), invited
■I.Sakata, "Development and growth policy in Japan: an experience of regional development policy", Workshop on Program for Economic Development, jointly organized by Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and JICA in Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon, Myanmar (February 28 and March 2, 2012)(Keynote speech )
■I.Sakata, "Knowledge structuring for technology management", International Conference on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of Cooperation between Germany and Japan, organized by VHB (German Academic Association for Business Research), Bonn, Germany (22-24 November, 2011), invited
■I.Sakata, "Energy, environment policy and business model- toward more dense collaboration", APEC Conference on Innovation, Trade and Technology, San Francisco, USA (19-20 September, 2011), invited
■I.Sakata, "Landscape of joint research agenda in gerontology and sustainability based on citation analysis" The Alliance for Global Sustainability (AGS) annual meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden (23-25 January, 2011), invited
■I.Sakata, "Creating new innovation model for future society and economic growth", OECD Innovation Strategy Expert Advisory Group (EAG) Meeting, OECD Chateau, Paris (28-29 January, 2010) , 日本代表者講演
■I.Sakata and N. Shibata, "A network analysis of Japanese innovation clusters", Symposium Entrepreneurship in Japan, Stanford University’s Project on Japanese Entrepreneurship (STAJE) and the University of Tokyo, in Tokyo (May 29, 2009)
■I.Sakata, "Inter-firm Networks in Regional Clusters" OECD Workshop on Network Approaches to Innovation, Paris (8 December, 2008), invited
■坂田一郎「科学技術ビックデータで未来を予測する」化学 73(2)(2018)pp11
■坂田一郎「新時代のイノベーション政策を考える」學士會会報No.918 (2016), pp.16-20