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坂田・古月研究室SAKATA - FUGETSU - Lab


Professor Bunshi Fugetsu has received  IAAM (International Association of Advanced Materials) Medal Award for the year 2019

Professor Bunshi Fugetsu, The University of Tokyo, has delivered Invited talk in the 26th Assembly of Advanced Materials Congress held during 10 – 13 June 2019 at Conference Centre, M/S Mariella, Stockholm, Sweden.

He has received  IAAM International Association of Advanced MaterialsMedal Award for the year 2019.

“Preparation of graphene/cellulose-nanofibril hybrid coatings and the application to enhancing far infrared radiation (FIR) emissivity of commercially available FIR emitting ceramics”

Bunshi Fugetsu, Takamitsu Uchida, Hajime Sasaki, Ichiro Sakata


→Advanced Materials Congress
